Dec 15, 2014
Hostage terror in Sydney - Photos: Two women and three men run for their lives from cafe where dozens are being held by a Muslim extremist armed with a gun, machete and suspected bomb
Two female hostages have managed to break free from the Lindt
cafe in Martin Place, Sydney, where an Islamic extremist is holding
dozens of hostages - bringing the number of escapees to five. Earlier,
three men scrambled a few metres from a fire escape toward heavily armed
tactical police, who kept their weapons pointed toward the café as they
directed the men to get behind them to safety. The men, one of whom
wore a long black barista's apron looked clearly terrified as they fled.
At least one suspect carrying a shotgun, a machete and possibly an
explosive device entered the Lindt cafe in Sydney's Martin Place about
9.45am on Monday. Staff and customers sobbed as they were forced to hold
a black flag - believed to be that of an Islamic extremist group - up
against the window. The text on the flag was partially translated as:
'There is no God but Allah.' TV reports showed a man wearing a black
headband with white text on it moving inside the café. A Lindt staff
member could be seen with her hands held against the window and her eyes
Two young female employees have now fled a central Sydney cafe more than seven hours after a terrorist armed with a gun took dozens of people hostage and forced crying women to hold a black Islamic flag up to the window.
A total of five hostages have now escaped Lindt cafe in Martin Place after a male employee and two male customers ran out a fire exit and hid behind heavily armed police officers shortly before 3.45pm on Monday. One former hostage has been taken to hospital.
It is believed the hostages escaped from the cafe and were not released. Police negotiators now know the identity of the hostage-taker and have since made contact with him.
Multiple media outlets, including the Ten Network and Radio 2UE, have received calls from hostages where the gunman has requested an Islamic State flag and a conversation with Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
The gunman also claimed he had 'two bombs inside the cafe' and two elsewhere in the city, according to Ten. Police have not confirmed his precise weaponry.
Deputy NSW Police Commissioner Catherine Burn said police were planning to 'work into the night' if need be.
Witnesses earlier described how a man wearing a headband covered in Arabic walked into the cafe and produced a shotgun from a blue bag around 9.45am.
Shortly afterwards, hostages were seen with their hands pressed against the windows holding up the Islamic Shahada flag. It is an emblem of extremist group Jabhat al-Nusra, which is fighting the Assad government in Syria.
Lindt Australia CEO Steve Loane estimated there are up to 50 people being held inside, but NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn said on Monday afternoon they believed there were less than 30 hostages in the cafe.
Armed police have sealed off streets around the cafe, office buildings went into lockdown and Martin Place train station is shut as officers operate according to Task Force Pioneer counter-terrorism protocols.
The incident began just hours after a 25-year-old suspect was arrested in a terror raid in Sydney's north-west.
Two young female employees have now fled a central Sydney cafe more than seven hours after a terrorist armed with a gun took dozens of people hostage and forced crying women to hold a black Islamic flag up to the window.
A total of five hostages have now escaped Lindt cafe in Martin Place after a male employee and two male customers ran out a fire exit and hid behind heavily armed police officers shortly before 3.45pm on Monday. One former hostage has been taken to hospital.
It is believed the hostages escaped from the cafe and were not released. Police negotiators now know the identity of the hostage-taker and have since made contact with him.
Multiple media outlets, including the Ten Network and Radio 2UE, have received calls from hostages where the gunman has requested an Islamic State flag and a conversation with Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
The gunman also claimed he had 'two bombs inside the cafe' and two elsewhere in the city, according to Ten. Police have not confirmed his precise weaponry.
Deputy NSW Police Commissioner Catherine Burn said police were planning to 'work into the night' if need be.
Witnesses earlier described how a man wearing a headband covered in Arabic walked into the cafe and produced a shotgun from a blue bag around 9.45am.
Shortly afterwards, hostages were seen with their hands pressed against the windows holding up the Islamic Shahada flag. It is an emblem of extremist group Jabhat al-Nusra, which is fighting the Assad government in Syria.
Lindt Australia CEO Steve Loane estimated there are up to 50 people being held inside, but NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn said on Monday afternoon they believed there were less than 30 hostages in the cafe.
Armed police have sealed off streets around the cafe, office buildings went into lockdown and Martin Place train station is shut as officers operate according to Task Force Pioneer counter-terrorism protocols.
The incident began just hours after a 25-year-old suspect was arrested in a terror raid in Sydney's north-west.
(Daily Mail)
Dec 14, 2014
Prince George proudly poses in his soldier jumper for adorable Christmas portrait
The Duke and Duchess release charming photos of Prince George during a photo shoot at Kensington Palace
George grins and laughs for the camera as he poses for the pictures on Palace courtyard steps
In the pictures, he wears a collared shirt, a jumper with a soldier guardsman design and blue shorts
The photographs were taken by a royal staff member who is also a former professional photographer
Prince George dressed in an adorable jumper in a picture taken at a courtyard in Kensington Palace last month
Aug 8, 2014
Bad Teacher
Bad Teacher, Gossip, Photo
le<UQ Bad
Teacher oeka
2011 jif¾ ;sr.; jQ leurka vhia rx.kfhka odhl;ajh iemhQ Bad
Teacher Ñ;%mghg
iudk wdldrfha cdhdrEm ksl;=jla wk;¾cd,hg ksl=;aù ;sfí'
Monthly Astrology
Astrology, Monthly Astrology
wf.daia;= udih Tng fldfyduo@
fïI - .egÆ úif|a
.Dy Ôú;h
fïI ,.akfhka Wmka Tng fuu udih kj ksjdi bÈlsÍï wdrïN lsÍug wjia:djka Wodfõ'
fïI ,.akfhka Wmka Tng fuu udih kj ksjdi bÈlsÍï wdrïN lsÍug wjia:djka Wodfõ'
Roshan Ranawana's Email Love
Email, Gossip, Kushlani Ranawana, love, Roshan Ranawana
,eÊc ys;=K frdIdka l=Ia,dksg wdof¾ m%ldY lf¾ Email tllska i;sfha újdy Èúhg t<eô ckm%sh k¿ frdIdka rKjk tfia újdy jQfha Tyqf.a m%shïNsldj jk l=Ia,dks iu. oS¾> wdor iïnkaOhlska miqh' i;sfha újdy Èúhg t<eô ckm%sh k¿ frdIdka rKjk tfia újdy jQfha Tyqf.a m%shïNsldj jk l=Ia,dks iu. oS¾> wdor iïnkaOhlska miqh'
Jul 31, 2014
Jul 30, 2014
Dilini lakmali and Shashiranga love affair breakup
chat, Dilini lakmali, Gossip, hot, love, Shashiranga
weh iu. újdy fjkak kï ,laI 20la nexl=fõ ;ekam;a lrkak lsõjd
kj mrmqf¾ lemS fmfkk olaI rx.k Ys,amsfhla f,i ckm%sh;ajhg m;a YIsrx. úl%ufialr fï Èkj, úldYh jk fg,skdgH /ilska fma%laIl fk;= udkhg meñfKhs'
kj mrmqf¾ lemS fmfkk olaI rx.k Ys,amsfhla f,i ckm%sh;ajhg m;a YIsrx. úl%ufialr fï Èkj, úldYh jk fg,skdgH /ilska fma%laIl fk;= udkhg meñfKhs'
sociologist research of Colombo Harlot
Gossip, Harlot, research, sociologist
fld<U k.rfha .‚ldjkaf.a f,dalh fidhd .sh iudc úoHd{jßhlf.a
wiQj oYlfha ueo Nd.fha§ úYajúoHd, YsIHdjla f,i uydpd¾h kkaofiak
r;akmd, uy;df.a u.fmkaùu hgf;a iudc iólaIKj, fhÿK ks,xld chiQßh ta w;r Y%S
,xldfõ .‚ld jD;a;Sfha fhÿK l;=ka ms<sn|j b;d ÿIalr .fõIKhl fhÿKdh'
Jul 29, 2014
Udari Warnakulasooriya After four years
isõ jirlg miq Wodßf.ka fy<sorõjla -
Wodß j¾Kl=,iQßh
lshkafka fï jk úg ,xldfõ ckm%shu ks<shla lshk tl ryila fkfï' Wodßf.a fï
m%isoaO;ajhg ;j;a f.dvla fya;= ;sfnkjd' talg tl fya;=jla Tfv,a lsõfjd;a Tfí
u;lhg tkafka l=ula o @ fï ms<snoj;a" Bg wu;rj Wodßf.a kj;u l,d f;dr;=re
ms<snoj weh Èfkl mqj;am;la iu. idlÉPdjlg tlaj ;sfnkjd' thska Wmqgd.;a
fldgila my;ska'''
Wodß m%isoaO fjkak fudkjdo lrkafka'''@
foúhfka lsh,d
wuq;=fjka m%isoaO fjkak fohla
lrkafk kE''' jdikdjg bfíu ug ta foa ,eì,d ;sfhkjd'
Jul 23, 2014
Thisara Perera Respond
;sir C%slÜ msáfhka iuq.kafka ldf.a jrÈkao @
leßìhka m%sñh¾ ,S.a ;rÕdj,sh i|yd wjia:dj ,nd fkd§u
iïnkaOfhka WrK jQ Y%S ,xld
C%slÜ ;=ka bßhõ C%Svl ;sir fmf¾rd C%slÜ C%Svdfjka iuq.ekSfï n,dfmdfrd;a;=jlska
miqjk nj jd¾;djkjd' ;rÕdj,s lsysmhl§ oelajQ wvq olaI;d fya;=fjka Y%S ,xld C%slÜ f;aÍï lñgqj Tyqg ks¾foaY fldg
;snqfKa jeä jYfhka Y%S ,xld
lKavdhu iu. mqyqKqùï isÿlrk f,ihs'
woman convicted shooting lover over poor sex performance
m%udKj;a ke;ehs lshd ;u fmïj;dg fjä ;enQ ldka;djla
fmïj;d iu. hyka .; ùfuka miqj Tyq úiska msg l, Y=l% ;r, m%udKj;a ke;ehs lshd flda<dy, lr fjä ;enQ ldka;djla ms<sn|j úfoia udOH jd¾;d lrkjd' wêlrKh úiska $ 10 000 l wemhla u; fuu ldka;dj uqod yer ;sfnkjd'
fmïj;d iu. hyka .; ùfuka miqj Tyq úiska msg l, Y=l% ;r, m%udKj;a ke;ehs lshd flda<dy, lr fjä ;enQ ldka;djla ms<sn|j úfoia udOH jd¾;d lrkjd' wêlrKh úiska $ 10 000 l wemhla u; fuu ldka;dj uqod yer ;sfnkjd'
fmïj;d iu. hyka .; ùfuka miqj Tyq úiska msg l, Y=l% ;r, m%udKj;a ke;ehs lshd flda<dy, lr fjä ;enQ ldka;djla ms<sn|j úfoia udOH jd¾;d lrkjd' wêlrKh úiska $ 10 000 l wemhla u; fuu ldka;dj uqod yer ;sfnkjd'
fmïj;d iu. hyka .; ùfuka miqj Tyq úiska msg l, Y=l% ;r, m%udKj;a ke;ehs lshd flda<dy, lr fjä ;enQ ldka;djla ms<sn|j úfoia udOH jd¾;d lrkjd' wêlrKh úiska $ 10 000 l wemhla u; fuu ldka;dj uqod yer ;sfnkjd'
Jul 22, 2014
Sometimes I like just about boys - Talk with Udayanthi Kulathunga
iïnkaO;d lshk foa ú,dis;djla fj,d - Wohka;s
iuyr fj,djg uf.a ys; hk msßñ bkakjd
mqxÑ ;srfha bkak ckm%sh olaI rx.k Ys,amskshla f,i Wohka;sj y÷kajkak mq¿jka' fjkod ;rï mqxÑ ;srfha olskak fkd,efnk ksid wef.a w¨;a f;dr;=re oek.kak wms wehg l;d l<d'
Ôúf;a w¨;a fjkila fjkak hk ksido jeäh ioaohla ke;af;a@
úfYaIhla kE' .sh wjqreÿ áflau tl È.g jev l<d' ta ksid álla úfõlfhka bkak ´k lsh,d ys;=K ksid jev f.dvla Ndr.;af; kE'
iuyr fj,djg uf.a ys; hk msßñ bkakjd
mqxÑ ;srfha bkak ckm%sh olaI rx.k Ys,amskshla f,i Wohka;sj y÷kajkak mq¿jka' fjkod ;rï mqxÑ ;srfha olskak fkd,efnk ksid wef.a w¨;a f;dr;=re oek.kak wms wehg l;d l<d'
Ôúf;a w¨;a fjkila fjkak hk ksido jeäh ioaohla ke;af;a@
úfYaIhla kE' .sh wjqreÿ áflau tl È.g jev l<d' ta ksid álla úfõlfhka bkak ´k lsh,d ys;=K ksid jev f.dvla Ndr.;af; kE'
Jul 21, 2014
Jul 18, 2014
Are you eat koththu? Read this
Ôúf;ag lSmdrla fld;a;= ld, ;sfhkjo@
B<Õ fld;a;=j lkak l,ska fïl lshjkak
2014 cq,s 1 jk od
isg rildrl j¾. 19 la Ndú;h ;ykï hkqfjka ckjdß 29 jk Èk ÈkñK m;%fha m,jQ
m%jD;a;s YS¾Ih oel th ;jÿrg;a lshùug fm<Uqfka miajkla m%S;sfhka yd fi!LH
wud;Hjrhd .ek fukau fi!LH wOHlaI ckrd,ajrhd .ek;a we;s jQ myka is;lsks' tfy;a
lshùug mgka .ekafï§ tys uq,a jdlH LKavh lshùu ;=,skau fï fofokd .eku we;s jQfha
Bg yd;amiskau úreoaO ffjÍ is;=ú,a,ls' ta ula ksido h;a iuyrúg fyd| is;sú,a,lska
mgka.;a fuu ld¾hh uq¿ukskau lKmsg yrjk nyqcd;sl iud.ïj,g ßx.d hd yels kS;suh
bvlvla ;=,ska fuu ;yku kslïu kslï mqiaila njg m;alr we;s neúks' fuys i|yka jk
wdldrhg —wdydrmdkj,g wka;¾.; lrk hï rildrl øjHhla fyda ri m%j¾Olhla furgg
wdkhkh lrkafka kï tys iïNjh we;s rfÜ fyda ksIamdÈ; rfgys wod, wêldßh uÕska
wdydr i|yd Ndú;d lsÍu ms‚i wdrlaIs; yd fhda.H nj iy;sl l< hq;= njg fi!LH
wud;H ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d úfYaI ksfhda.hla ksl=;a lr ;sfí˜
The State of Israel - Country in the Middle East
wisßu;a BY%dh,h æ
uq¿ wrdìlrfhau bkak
uqia,sïjrekag ßfokak .ymq mqxÑu mqxÑ rgla .ek ;uhs fï lshkak hkafka' fïl ;uhs
ueofmrÈ. ;sfhk tlu uqia,sï fkdjk rg' ,xldfjka ⅓ ú;r ;uhs fjkafk' isú,a jeisfhd úÈyg ueofmrÈ.g ixl%uKh fjÉp
fïf.d,af,d" fl<jrla ke;s uqia,sï wdl%uK ksid miafi ldf,l fndfydau
ìysiqKq" olaY ldrHlaYu yuqodjla njg m;a fjkjd'
Pipennata pera kakula yakuntama pidu
msfmkakg;a fmrlel=< hl=kagu ms¥ hldf.a wïfula yd hldf.a wdÉÑfhla
fï lsisu fohla ld tlalj;a lshkak tmd'''''f;areKdo@ Thd b,a,k b,a,k foa fokak
mq¿jka fjkafka fï i,a,sj,ska ;uhs''''±x Thdg fjkak ;sfhk fiaru foaj,a jqKd'
riaidjla lf<d;a yïn fjk ;=Ügq folska Ôj;a fjkak nE' tA ksid fïl lruq' wksl
f,dl= .dKla yïn fjkjd' fïl okafka wms fokakd ú;rhsfka mqf;a' ljqrej;a fïl
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